Tuesday, November 24, 2009

from a hobby into an entrepreneur

Not a few people making money from activities that initially a hobby. Even the work that started from a hobby more success than based on education. I'm sure will arise the question in your mind, why? The answer is very simple. People who make a hobby as a job would be more able and ready to take all the challenges there, because they enjoyed it and would be pleasure to find the best solution to solve all the problems.
Not everyone who started the job because their education will find the best solution to a problem alone. Most of them think, if they do not find a solution they think others will find a solution for them ,or if they find a solution, they think do not need to give the best because it will spend more time and effort, and besides they are not paid for it.

This was clearly different from the starting job as a hobby. These people even without being asked, they will take the initiative to find a best solution in solving a problem. But why? The answer only one, that is they like their jobs because their jobs is their hobby.


I called people who work based on a hobby with an entrepreneur and called people who work based on education with a worker.

I would describe the difference as follows:
  • Idea. an entrepreneur have a broad mind and a vision of the future, because the business depends on what he was thinking and doing. become an entrepreneur must have high creativity and have brilliant ideas. Workers also have the creativity and brilliant ideas, but most of them have never even dared to say it with all sorts of excuses like "for what I give an input 'couse there's  already hired someone for that.", And so on.
  • Work hours. A worker has a fix a work hours every day in a week, if he spent more that it, he'll expected would be paid for it in other words overtime, but the entrepreneur (person who work based on a hobby) does not account how many hours he spent on it.
  • Problems. An entrepreneur see a problem as the challenges that will make they look great in the end. Most workers see a problem as things to be avoided because they thought it would be a hindrance or obstacle in their work.
I think there are many other differences that I have not yet explained. to better know the other differences you can see in the articles below :
  1. take a job or make a job 
  2. entrepreneur vs employee
  3. which one are you
Do not forget, education is also one important factor in any case. Without education or knowledge is sufficient, we can not do anything right.

However, not all workers like what I wrote above. Many workers who work on education but loved it and is not a hobby that has a mind like a businessman. This type of workers who will later become a success in his work.

It depends on each person's thoughts it self. What did he do depends on what he thought and he wanted. So think very well what the future will be and what should be done to achieve it. I only suggest one thing. Whatever you are and whoever you are, love your job, do it with all of your heart and you will see everything will be much better.


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