Tuesday, November 24, 2009

from a hobby into an entrepreneur

Not a few people making money from activities that initially a hobby. Even the work that started from a hobby more success than based on education. I'm sure will arise the question in your mind, why? The answer is very simple. People who make a hobby as a job would be more able and ready to take all the challenges there, because they enjoyed it and would be pleasure to find the best solution to solve all the problems.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Accounting function in a business

Many growing businesses today, ranging from small businesses to big, from simple business to the complex. There must be a difference in these levels, ranging from the production method, the recording system of supply raw materials to finish good, delivery system until the system of financial records.

In big companies, all departments or sections have a good management system. But in the middle to lower companies, not a few who ignore the importance of a management system or arrangement of business as a whole, especially its financial management.

In every business, a good recording system is needed to determine the actual state of the company, as well as a means of decision-makers in solving a problem. Especially in the financial recording system, because not only the company need this information but others also need it ,such as taxes, investors, and others.
This is an accounting function, to develop an appropriate reporting system to the needs of a company's information.